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Tagged with " business"

Being a Boss and Having Friends

Mar 19, 2014   //   by eahill   //   Blog  //  No Comments

Being a boss can be difficult with all the pressure of expectations and lead your team, but add in friends and it’s another element to juggle.  As I was further along in my professional life, I began to realize that being a boss and having friends do not go hand in hand.  Often times, it’s difficult for leaders to be objective when friendships are involved making their ability to make decisions that are best for the business harder.  In my experience, it’s best to set yourself apart from the people working under you to ensure you make the best decisions as a boss.  Now, I may not have been friends with my employees in the past, but I was always welcoming, warm and approachable.  Having the ability to still connect with my employees without being BFFs gave reinforced the perception my employees had of me of someone they could talk to.  I do not deny that being a boss can be a lonely position at times if you choose this route, but unless you’re Temperance Brennan, compartmentalizing friendships while maintaining your boss role doesn’t come naturally.  I found a short article that discusses this topic and some ways you might be able to maintain your friendships if they already exist in your workplace.  However, even this article from the Harvard Business Review, points out that some times you may have to make the tough decisions and that might mean sacrificing a friendship in order to do that.